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Soil Guide For Pots And Baskets

Soil Guide For Pots And Baskets Image

Soil Guide For Pots And Baskets

CLICK HERE for the downloadable PDF.

  • Soil to some means whatever comes out of the ground, off the field or out of the garden plot. That sounds right for growing in the Earth, but it just doesn’t work for growing in a container like a pot or a basket.
  • Because the soil area is only as deep and wide as the pot itself, a different kind of soil is needed. Soils for containers have much more air space, so that even when they are wet there is breathing room for the root system.
  • We use and sell soils that have pine bark, peat moss and perlite (the little white pebbles). These combine to form nooks and crannies that allow air to stay in the mix. At the same time, this mix will hold water and fertilizer. Balancing air-water-fertilizer is why the right soil for containers is important.
  • To the plant, the root system is just as important as the flowers, stems and leaves. For every part of the plant to work, the roots have to be happy and growing.
  • We use truckloads of manufactured soil for our crops. You probably won’t need that much. Here are some estimates of how much soil you might need for your pots and baskets.

# of pots you  can fill from a  2.8 cu. Ft. bag# of pots you  can fill from a 12 quart bag# of pots you  can fill from a  1.5 cu. Ft. bag
4.5” square deep pots
6” diameter pots50827
8” diameter pots19310
10” diameter pots1126
12” diameter pots513
14” diameter pots2

10” diameter hanging baskets1427
12” diameter hanging baskets814
14” diameter hanging baskets1
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