HOURS: Temporarily closed for the 2024 season!
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(651) 433-2431
20021 St Croix Trail N
Scandia, MN 55073
Call Abrahamson Nurseries
St. Croix Falls
(715) 483-3040
1257 State Rd 35 St
St. Croix Falls, WI 54024
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(651) 439-2140
2100 Tower Dr
Stillwater, MN 55082

Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Plant Guarantee

We will replace (one time only) a tree, shrub, or evergreen that fails to grow within two growing seasons, provided the account has been paid in full within thirty days of the original purchase data. Perennials are guaranteed for one year. We reserve the right to check plantings to ensure the plant has been adequately cared for and will make recommendations if necessary. Animal damage is not included in the guarantee. Also, this guarantee does not cover wholesale stock, seconds, annuals, and any plant notes as zone 5. Labor and/or delivery for replacement plantings are charged at the same rate as new installations. 

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